The Order of The Quest

The Order Of The Quest
(The Black-Robed Men)

“HISTORIES are generally written about the men who prominently influence the events that make history;  little is written–though it might be of greater interest–about those shadowy figures who seem always to stand behind the men who make history.” –Manly P. Hall (A 33rd Degree *Master Mason and “Rosicrucian“) from his book “The Secret Destiny Of America” p.9

Indeed it would be “of greater interest” to learn about them…So who are these “Shadowy Figures” of which Hall speaks? The men who stood behind some of the most powerful and influential men throughout the ages?…The ones who trained, guided,counciled, and positioned them in places of power at the most pivotal,and in the most crucial times in all of human history…It is reminiscent of the “Master” and “Apprentice” roles in the science fiction movie “Star Wars“…
Especially in Star Wars Episode III (Revenge Of The Sith) where the “Sith Lord” (The “Shadow Figure”) was virtually unknown except to a select few (The “Apprentices”) that knew of his evil agenda and did his bidding for him,while he remained “Hidden” in “Plain Sight”…(As the Senator/Chancellor)…

The film “Star War” is actually one of THE most effective “Tools” to help “Wake people up” to the TRUTH about The NWO, Secret Societies, and their Symbolism, Esotericism and Philosophy (See Video Below) Not to mention their “Hidden Technology“…As a man once said…

We have things flying in the Nevada desert (Area 51) that would make George Lucas envy us” – Retired Lockheed Engineer

It is actually Very Uncanny, even “Spooky“, at how closely many elements of the film actually mirrors REAL LIFE TRUTH…As the old saying goes…

“The truth is stranger than fiction”…

For the purposes of this blog let’s assume that Manly P. Hall (A man who “Freemasons” call their “Greatest philosopher”) was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT,and knew EXACTLY what he was talking about…(And I am inclined to believe he did…).

Now…If such powerful and influential men the likes of Columbus,and men the likes of certain Presidents of  The United States were only the “Apprentices”,and these “Shadowy Figures”, these “Black Robed Men” (as Manly P. Hall also called them) were the REAL power “Behind The Throne”,and were the REAL rulers…Given the POWER and the pure GENIUS of the “Apprentices”…Just how POWERFUL AND INTELLIGENT were their “MASTERS”?

An intriguing question to say the least…

Fortunately,we don’t have to wonder,or “Speculate” about their identities,or even their mysterious “WISDOM and POWER“, because Hall goes on to tell us EXACTLY who “They” REALLY are…

They were “Agents” of THE “Secret Government“…

“In browsing about among Old Records I have run across a dim figure involved in the life of Columbus, a strange man who seems to have served the explorer in die capacity of counselor.  Nothing very tangible has as yet come to light, but it is hinted that this mysterious person accompanied Columbus on his first voyage.  He was not included in the list of the mariners.  He did not return, but remained in the West Indies;  beyond this, no further mention is made of him.

This Mysterious Stranger is reminiscent of the Black-Robed Man who guided the Destiny of Mohammed.  Were these obscure figures ambassadors of the secret government?–Columbus being one of the agents through which The Society Of Unknown Philosophers accomplished its Purposes ?

It is my opinion that he was such an agent.” – Manly P. Hall – “The Secret Destiny of America” p.8

I guess a modern day term for these shadowy “Black Robed Men” would be the “Men In Black” that seem to show up in today’s pivotal events,and whom all law enforcement agencies,including the military seem to answer to,and take orders from.It is usually about now that most people would say something like “That sounds like a lot of Black Helicopter conspiracy crap to me”…

Alex Jones has PROVEN beyond a shadow of ANY doubt…That there absolutely IS A CONSPIRACY! THERE ARE BLACK HELICOPTERS! He documented this in his powerful film “Police State.” He has footage of them being used from Texas to my home of  North Carolina.Their occupants taking over entire towns,police stations,and blowing up stuff in the middle of the night.I believe what they were doing was called “Operation Last Dance/Urban Warrior” if I”am not mistaken…

Likewise…There is also DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE of these “Men In Black” showing up and threatening people over “Events” they accidentally witnessed,and to whom the FBI,CIA, NSA,Military Generals (and virtually EVERYBODY else) seems to answer to…

Are these mysterious “Men In Black” the same shadowy “Black Robed Men” that Manly P. Hall spoke of? The ones he called “The Secret Government”?

Time and time again I hear people arguing over not only the false “Left/Right Paradigm” (“Democrat vs. “Republican” – “Good cop” vs. “Bad cop”…etc) but also about whether it’s the (“The Illuminati”,”The Masons”,”The Rosicrucians“,or is it “Skull and Bones”…etc) who are at the tip top of this grand “Pyramid”? The ones represented by the “All Seeing Eye” on our dollar bills.

Again,assuming that Manly P. Hall knew EXACTLY what he was talking about…He goes on to tell us the answer to this question as well…

“All the sciences contained brilliant far-seeing men who equally desired to contribute their part to The Philosophic Empire of the future.  Secret societies were formed in their own professions, using the emblems established in their arts to conceal their social aspirations.  Thus did the Alchemists come into being, the mystic chemists seeking the elixir of life, The Wise Man’s Stone, the universal medicine, and the agent for the transmutation of metals.

The elixir of life is truth itself, the preserver of all things.

The Wise Man’s Stone is science, that can work all wonders and solve all riddles of the mortal sphere.

The universal medicine is Wisdom, the only cure for ignorance, which is the universal disease.

The agent for the transmutation of metals is the pattern of the Universal State, the essence of the perfect plan for a world civilization by which all the base elements in human society can be transmuted into the spiritual gold of right purpose.

In Italy, the Illuminati sought for the pearl of great price hidden in the deep waters of mortal corruption.

In northern Europe, The Knights of the Holy Grail dedicated their lives to the search for The Chalice Of The Passion.

Christian and Jewish Cabalists pondered the letters of the scriptures to find the secret of the crown of splendors, and the Rosicrucians in their hidden houses used the Rose of Sharon as the symbol of brotherly love, a simple rearrangement of the letters r-o-s-e becoming e-r-o-s, the Greek God of love, Eros.

All these groups belong to what is called THE ORDER OF THE QUEST.  All were searching for one and the same thing under a variety of rituals and symbols.  That one thing was a perfected social order, Plato’s commonwealth, the government of The Philosopher-King  to this end each consecrated it’s life and knowledge, exploring ever further into the secrets of Nature to discover the greatest secret of all–the secret of human happiness.

We are indebted to these Brothers Of The Quest for our sciences, arts, and crafts of today.  They were the discoverers;  they were the astronomers, scientists, physicians, mathematicians, and artists whose works we treasure but whose dreams we have ignored.  They gave knowledge to the world to make men happy.  We have used their knowledge to make a few men rich.  We have perverted their skill, desecrated their dreams, and profaned their mysticism.  But the knowledge they have given us is available to be used in a nobler way, and some day we shall awaken to our responsibility with the realization that it is our common duty to restore the dignity of learning and dedicate unselfishly to the human need.

About the middle of the 17th Century, Sir Elias Ashmole, patron of the liberal arts and founder of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, was initiated into the guild of the operative freemasons of London, the first non-craftsman to be permitted membership.  From that time on, the entire pattern of the guilds was changed, and speculative masonry came to dominate the older form of the craft, and the intellect builder came into his own.  One veil of the old symbolism was lifted, to reveal in full clarity that the guilds were dedicated to a program social and political.

In this way the old dream of The Philosophic Empire descended from the ancient world to modern time…

Secret societies still exist, and regardless of the intemperance of the times, they will continue to flourish until the Quest is complete…

For more than three thousand years, SECRET SOCIETIES have labored to create the background of knowledge necessary to the establishment of an enlightened democracy in this world.” – Manly P. Hall “The Secret Destiny Of America” p.7

Do you see? Do you now understand it? They are ALL involved in on it (At least “some” of the MAIN ones ARE) And have been for THOUSANDS of years…ALL of these “Secret Societies” that are “in” on the “agenda” are collectively called…

The Order of The Quest“…